
Thursday, March 4, 2010

Day ten in Costa Rica. The last day

Goodbye Grandma can't wait to see you again!
we're going home

the nicest people in Costa Rica



more coffee!

yes, again in the car driving for hours !!

yay pat acutely let me take a picture of him! :)

this is the top of the volcano in turrialba!! this is the volcano was right out our back door!


Dan Hutchison said...

garland! that was so sad :( the music really had a huge effect on that. the volcano was beast by the way. :(

Unknown said...

wow! those volcanoes are crazzy :P

abby said...

did you try some of the sugar cane or coffee

Gd. Hugs said...

Dan. what music? :)I know!! we lived right by that volcano for a few days!

I know!!!!!!! If one little earth quake happened it would erupt!!

No I never did!!! :( But I had both at different times = :)
my favorite memory was when we had just hiked up this side of a mountain for a long, long time and we all ate sugar cane! Also we found a whole bunch of lime trees!!! Yummy!