
Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Day one in Costa Rica!


After about five hours in a noisy plane we all had a lot of pent up energy

Except for Dad :)

our faithful rental van we call, "Vida la vida" (live the life)

some views from the van window

At the first hotel  Pat., Judah  and I went to the little garden they had out back. Marty and Judah went to climb a tree, when I saw this little guy. Hes so cute!

these are some really neat stairs in our hotel. It was late, and I was bored :)


abby said...

it looks like you guys had a lot of FUN!!!!!!!!!!!

Gd. Hugs said...

We did!!! and we all thought of you all at home and in the cold lol :) <3 !

Dan Hutchison said...

man thats a pretty nice hotel haha