
Tuesday, December 29, 2009










Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas day!

getting ready to have a race!




 We played an old favorite game. We had to get the soccer ball across the finished line before any one else did. This game involved a lot of wipe outs and wrestling! We all got ready for the next battle to the end, filled with pain, and and fun. All of a sudden pat. took the ball and went sledding down the hill. We all came racing down after him. He won!!





The day after Christmas we got a whole bunch of glass sodas and chips and watched the fames movie it’s a wonderful life.

we had a really fun time making cookies me. trev. and Gary.

The mixture consisted of marshmallows white chocolate chips, mint chocolate chips; chocolate chips, honey nut cereal, just a tad of special K.  and wiped cream!! That is a lot of sweets to put in at one time!!





No-wonder why we were so crazy that night! :)  !

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas!



all photos taken by Mrs. S.


Wednesday, December 23, 2009

don't you love the snow?


I love how the snow sparkles


I didn't take very many photos of the snow ): maybe tomorrow! 

Thursday, December 17, 2009

A family walk in the wonderful country









After are long pretty walk, very sadly, our huge van got stuck!

we pushed...

and pushed and tried all sorts of things to get out, but at no avail!!! And, of course, no one brought a cell phone. After about 30 minutes of trying, we finaly borrowed a cell phone from a by-passing car. And we called Kyle and Ben S.



They came and attached a big chain to our van and Ben's truck and pulled us out!  My mom called them, "Our heroes."